Concurso para doutoramento no Institut Pasteur em Paris

We are delighted to inform you that the new call is now open for the Pasteur – Paris University International Doctoral program, for students beginning in October 2020.
This doctoral program began in 2009 in the vibrant research environment of the Institut Pasteur in Paris, France, and has grown in each succeeding year. For details, see:
The applications are submitted through a platform. The candidates can find the link with the description of the selection process on our website: in the “Current Call” section, or directly here :
After registration, the candidates can see the available projects and submit their applications.
The deadline for candidates to contact laboratories of interest is November 1, and the deadline for the application (to be prepared together with the laboratory) is November 14, 2019.
This doctoral program is for students who have obtained or will obtain a Master degree (or equivalent) in the life sciences from a non-French University. All students accepted into the program will receive a salary for living expenses, and health insurance. The program is run in English and knowledge of French is not required. Eligibility criteria are listed on the website (see “Application information” and “FAQ”).
For further information, please write to