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Join Ifremer for your Post-Doc!

Ifremer offers funding for post-doctoral research positions.
Du 5 novembre 2019 au 15 janvier 2020

For the year 2020, Ifremer offers a dozen post-doctoral contracts for a period of 18 months to researchers proposing innovative projects that are consistent with the three main themes below:

  • Protect and restore the ocean.
  • Sustainably use marine resources to benefit society.
  • Create and share ocean data, information & knowledge.

For more information about the themes, see  Appendix A.


Eligibility criteria are the following ones:

  • Candidates must not have been previously employed as doctoral or post-doctoral researchers in an Ifremer research unit nor in a joint research unit in which Ifremer is involved.
  • This call is open to applicants of any nationality whose last research experience (Ph.D. or post-doctoral contract) has been carried out in a laboratory outside of France.
  • Candidates must have held their Ph.D. after December 2014.

Evaluation criteria are the following ones:

  • Relevance to Ifremer’s strategy.
  • Scientific or technological quality of the project.
  • Innovative aspect of the subject and/or added value to Ifremer in terms of new skills.
  • Expected value of the project in terms of economic or industrial development.
  • Project’s relevance to the host research unit.

The required documents to submit an application are:

  • The Application Form
  • For your convenience, a Checklist is provided to summarize the documents that are expected in addition to the application form


The starting date of the post-doctoral contract will be determined in concertation with the head of research unit and the human resources department of Ifremer.


Institut français du Portugal